Once the WhatsApp Messenger app has finished downloading and installing, you can.
Setup and run WhatsApp Messenger on your computer via the emulator. Wait for the download to complete before moving on to the next step. On the other hand, be aware that you always need your phone to log into WhatsApp on the computer - there's no way to use WhatsApp Web without your mobile app. Click on the WhatsApp Messenger app icon, then click on the install button to begin the download and installation process.
And you can easily log into more than one WhatsApp account at the same time just by opening them in different WhatsApp Web browser windows. It's often easier to type using a real mouse and keyboard, for example, and you can keep WhatsApp on the screen, side by side with other windows to copy and paste information into chat messages. There are some significant advantages to using WhatsApp Web or the desktop app. At the top of the window you can also start a new chat (including start a new group chat) and see starred messages.You can start an audio or video call, for example, mute notifications, block or report the user, and delete the chat. Click any contact icon to control your interactions with that user.Click your own account icon to change your profile details like display name and About message. Téléchargez WhatsApp sur votre appareil mobile, tablette ou ordinateur, gardez le contact sur tous vos appareils et reprenez vos conversations là où vous les avez laissées.WhatsApp offers other features on the computer as well: WhatsApp web replicates the chat conversations from your mobile app.